“Success is where preparation and opportunity meet”
We’ve all been there haven’t we?
15 holes into our Saturday comp, 1 point down on our handicap, and needing a 3 pointer par and a couple of 2 pointers to at least get back to square. Seems pretty doable right? That is until you block your drive on 16 leaving you no choice but to punch out and accept a likely bogey.
Pretty ‘doable’ suddenly got a little bit less.
Standing on the 17th tee all that’s going through your head is the need to make birdie on this short par 3 to recover from the mistake on 16. You double cross your 9 iron and short sight yourself in the bunker. Another bogey later and the day is done.
Worst of all… you purchased a Target Score before your round and it was 36 points to win $75!

It goes without saying that ‘back 9 fatigue’, be it physical or mental, get’s to all of us from time to time…
and that many a Target Score player has a tale or two to tell about a late round collapse when the pressure of playing for big money was thrown into the mix!
That is why we want to share our tips to prepare before your round, manage yourself during rounds, and recover post-round so you can play your best golf and win more Target Scores!
Pre Round Tips
The first thing to do is get some adequate nutrition before your round. Instead of starting your day with the big Sunday breakfast, try eating a healthy meal with a good mix of carbs, healthy fats, and protein to keep you satisfied and full of energy. Here are some easy ones to start the day with:
- Eggs, bacon, and fruit.
- Oatmeal, blueberries, and peanut butter.
- Avocado on sourdough toast, lightly sprinkled with chilli flakes and salt.
- Chicken or steak salad with avocado or eggs.

Pretty obvious this one. Make sure to get plenty of water before your game and drink a beverage containing electrolytes if it’s a particularly hot day.

The key to performing exercises or stretches before your round is to keep it light and focused on your core. You want your body to be feeling loose and limber so you don’t waste the first 7 holes warming up. There are a plethora of videos on YouTube for ideas on exercises or stretches you can perform.
Without neglecting your putting and chipping, once you have finished stretching spend a little bit of time at the range/nets to loosen up but more importantly find your tempo. Do not hit 50-100 balls, 20-30 well thought-out shots should do.
Playing your best golf truly starts before you have even driven into the club parking lot. Next week we will share some tangible tips on how to best manage yourself physically and mentally during your round so you can overcome ‘back 9 fatigue’ and stay in the game.
Don’t forget to grab your Target Score to use this weekend.
Click the image below.