Given the membership based nature of golf clubs and social clubs, it is perfectly understandable that many golfers think that Target Scores utilises a membership format or, given that it is used as an addition in club competitions, that some official affiliation to the club needs to be established before players can start benefitting from using them.
The beauty of Target Scores is that no membership is required nor does your club need to know a thing about us! (though we would really appreciate if you could tell your pro or GM!).
A Target Score is simply something you make the choice to purchase and use on your own. It’s no different to buying a new driver and using that in your competition without letting the committee know!
Now why is that the case?
The reason is because when you do eventually win your Target Score and decide to use the prize credit at the club, the pro/club staff are pleasantly surprised to find out that they have just effectively made ‘free’ revenue. That free revenue in the form of your prize:
- Involved no sign up fee for the club.
- Involved very little/no marketing from the club (we do almost all the marketing to players, occasionally some clubs will feature us in member newsletters)
- Involves no admin from the club (other than picking up the phone and letting us pay them)

From our experience, clubs frankly don’t care that members have used Target Scores in their competition and will often try and find out more information about it so they can promote it to more members. Even if you decide to spend your prize credit with one of our retailer or wine partners, this only encourages clubs to promote us more to their members so they can create more opportunities for winners to spend with them.
We pride ourselves on having a product that truly benefits everyone and is very simple. Some clubs have even considered including 2 or 3 Target Scores in their membership subs and why wouldn’t they!
There are no sign ups, no memberships, no ‘logging in’ – you go to and in 2 minutes you have an awesome chance to actually win something more than a Pinnacle golf ball in your competition!
If you are new to Target Scores, you can now reveal your first Target Score and then decide if you want it!
Go to and follow the instructions at the top of the page.

Yes I am interested.